("Mama, can you hear me?
Mama, can you see me?")
Oh what would she think? ... today was my 1st full day of lecture and lab at my accelerated CNA course (what was I thinking?). Actually it was pretty awesome. Out of the classroom very soon and off to Cherry Brook Health Care Center. If all goes well I will be a certified Nursing Assistant by the end of August ~ amazing! I guess there is a bit of my Mom in me after all, I'm just looking forward to giving back and making things a bit easier for some folks
(while earning $$$ to send my boy to college).
Jasmine is very proud of me
(and loves to have her picture taken)!
Tons of homework - YIKES!
"Service changes people. It refines, purifies, gives a finer perspective, and brings out the best in each one of us. It gets us looking outward instead of inward. Righteous service is the expression of true charity, such as the Savior showed."
--Derek A. Cuthbert, "The Spirituality of Service", Ensign, May 1990
What are you folks doing for fun this summer?
Here is another one of my favorite
"summers-gone-by" Cape Cod pictures!
Who is this HOTTY?
just talked to Chris and told him to check Roger's toys. Think how surprised he will be when instead of toys he sees himself
Congratulations on your new career path. I am really happy for you. I know that your mom is proud of you and this new direction in your life.
I love Roger's new toy! Do you think that he would take Laura and I for a spin sometime?
Love your other "little sister" Shell
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