Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Babies Moved Out Today!

Stuff happens in an instant! Yesterday Wrenni was busy feeding her babies. Today they are GONE. I am a bit bummed (a bit) ... tonight we found one of the babies on the deck under the barzebo dead. No sign of Wrenni and the other two babies. Life goes on ... and tomatoes continue to grow in the garden, but I miss entirely too much stuff working outside of my home. What if I was home today ... maybe I would have seen the little bird fall under the barzebo?!?! What happened out there today? What if ....

oh well ... I guess it's nature's way ... (but I don't have to like it)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry that one of the little wrens didn't make it! You provided them with a very nice home.

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